Pentz Webster Private Wealth Management specializes in helping Chemical Valley employees who are within 5 years of retirement. Working with valley employee families, Tara and her team provide expert planning and advice that has earned the reputation of making the complex simple.

With so many different interconnected parts of your retirement package we can answer questions like:

  • When should I retire to maximize the various piece of my retirement package?
  • What type of income can I expect?
  • How do I income split with my benefits and my spouse?
  • If I move from one refinery to another what happens to my plan and my investments?
  • Should I take service vacation or lump sum if offered?
  • When should I start my CPP an OAS? How do they integrate into my plan?
  • What should I do with unused vacation time if an option?
  • How can I reduce the amount of tax I pay?
  • What survivor pension option should I choose?
  • What are the options at the various firms/refineries?
  • What are my options Defined benefit versus Defined contribution plan.
  • How do I manage my benefits in the event of marriage breakdown?
  • How can I maximize my saving plan where I work?